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Application Parameters


PCA has a feature called Application Parameters.

A parameter is a command line flag/arguments.

List of parameters:

  • --game-path: set the game path inside the configuration.
  • --game-type: set the game. Valid entries: 'Skyrim SE', 'Skyrim LE', 'Skyrim VR', 'Fallout 4'.
  • --compiler-path: set the compiler path inside the configuration (path of PapyrusCompiler.exe).
  • --output-path: set the output path, this is where you're compiled files (.pex) will go.
  • --debug: enable debug mode. Will output more logs in the console/log file.


Create a new file PCA SE-with-args.cmd and type:

"./PCA SE.exe" --game-path "[...]\Skyrim Special Edition" --game-type "Skyrim SE"
  • Skyrim LE, use "./PCA LE.exe" and --game-type "Skyrim LE" instead.
  • Fallout 4, use --game-type "Fallout 4" instead.

Open PCA by executing this new file.